Other duties include coordinating meetings, such as quarterly Workforce Development Board meetings, and taking minutes. The Administrative Staff has a close working relationship with the Council, Boards, various committees, City and County Officials. They are available to assist in any way needed.
Board Information
Workforce Development Board Members
Workforce Development Board Information
Workforce Development Board Bylaws
General WIOA Information
WorkSource Georgia Mountains Information Forms
Prescreening for WIOA Application
Growth and Demand Occupations List
Financial Aid Verification Form
Partner Websites
Georgia Department of Labor
Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency
Lanier Technical College
North Georgia Technical College
Athens Technical College
Legacy Link
The Administrative Staff provides a wide array of internal support services that ensure the proficient daily operations of the WorkSource Georgia Mountains. Administrative services are provided to the Workforce Development Board.
The Administrative staff is responsible for reserving the WorkSource Georgia Mountains training and meeting rooms for scheduled meetings, greeting customers, assisting applicants applying for WIOA services and making appropriate referrals to partner agencies.