WIOA Eligibility Information
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides funding for education and training to eligible individuals to enhance their current skills or learn a new trade.
Whether you are a current student, interested in going to school for the first time, returning to school to increase your education, interested in obtaining your GED, or in obtaining a CDL License, review the information below before watching the WIOA Overview Session.
Please use the following questions to help determine if this program will be a good fit for you before watching the Overview Session.
Factors to Consider before Applying for WIOA Education Assistance
2. What are the initial eligibility factors for Adult & Dislocated Worker (DW) WIOA funding? Does my total household income for six months qualify?
Adult / DW Initial Eligibility Criteria:
Must be 18 Years of Age
Right to Work
Registered for Selective Service
Attending an Approved Program & Provider
Be one of the following:
Unemployed and meet the low-income definition OR self-sufficiency guidelines
Currently receiving or have used up unemployment benefits.
Previously self-employed but now jobless due to the economy.
Work less than 35 hours a week, and meet self-sufficiency guidelines
Earn less now than what you previously earned, and meet self-sufficiency guidelines
Completed more education than your current job requires and meet self-sufficiency guidelines
Working full-time and meet the low-income definition
5. Do you have a degree, certification, or training in a high growth area?
A case-by-case determination will be made in the marketability of a prior degree or certificate. If applicant has a current marketable skill, training must be in a field to increase education or employability.
Customers who have received non-WIOA funded training (within 2 years or less) will be reviewed by a case manager to determine if WIOA assistance can be provided.
6. Are you seeking a four-year college or an advanced degree?
Training assistance for individuals seeking four-year College and advanced degrees will only be approved once they can be completed within the time limits set by WorkSource Georgia Mountains (2 years or less) and lead to a recognized credential. General liberal arts degrees will not be approved or funded.
Thank you for your interest in the WIOA grant. The first step is to view the Overview Session:
If you believe you are eligible, please contact us for the application:
Chris Highland at chighland@gmrc.ga.gov or call 770.538.2732
Catherine Allen at callen@gmrc.ga.gov or call 770.538.2728