2023 Comprehensive Plan Processes
Follow along as the governments of Habersham County, Alto, Clarkesville, Cornelia, Demorest, and Mt. Airy update their respective comprehensive plans.
We all want the best for our hometowns!
We want to live in places that are safe, prosperous, and beautiful. We want to preserve places that reveal our history, fix up places that have run down, and leave to our children, communities that are healthy and poised to thrive.
This starts with recognizing what works - and what doesn’t – about your community. It starts with identifying your priorities, and what resources you have available to address those priorities. It starts with a plan.
Local governments have been planning for their futures since the 1960’s. Just like people plan for big purchases or their retirement, or like businesses having a strategy for maximizing their operations, local governments have used planning to guide their capital improvements and coordinate their delivery of services. It’s not always perfect, but such efforts help governments make the most of their funding, and ensures local leaders are considering the goals and issues that matter most to local residents. And in Georgia, local governments are required to have a plan if they want to access the full resources of the State, to ensure that State funds and programs are also being used most efficiently.
We want to hear from you!
Whether you’re a resident somewhere within Habersham County, a business owner or employee, or someone who regularly shops and visits the area, if you have a vested interest in these communities then this process is about hearing your thoughts. What are the best things about Demorest or Alto that those Cities should strive to protect? What aspects of Cornelia or Clarkesville could stand some improvement? What do you think of when you consider the future of the whole county?
Follow the process via this web site, where we’ll share materials, links to online surveys, and post notices about public events. At any time, feel free to contact us with your general thoughts and questions via ahazell@gmrc.ga.gov.