WIOA Eligibility Information
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) provides funding for education and training to eligible individuals to enhance their current skills or learn a new trade.
Whether you are a current student, interested in going to school for the first time, returning to school to increase your education, interested in obtaining your GED, or in obtaining a CDL License, review the information below before attending a WIOA Overview Session.
Please use the following questions to help determine if this program will be a good fit? if this program will work for you? before attending an Overview Session.
Factors to Consider before Applying for WIOA Education Assistance
2. What are the initial eligibility factors for Adult & Dislocated Worker (DW) WIOA funding? Does my total household income for six months qualify?
Adult / DW Initial Eligibility Criteria
Must be 18 Years of Age
Right to Work
Registered for Selective Service
Approved Program & Provider
Meet WSGM eligibility guidelines
Dislocated Worker:
Meets all requirements of the Adult Program AND
Separated from employment due to no fault of your own
Individual who is eligible for or has exhausted unemployment insurance
Individual who has been attached to the workforce but doesn’t qualify for unemployment insurance due to insufficient earnings
Individual who is a displaced homemaker
Individual who was self-employed but is unemployed as a result of general economic conditions.
3. Are you between the ages of 16 - 24 and not currently attending high school, college, or technical college?
Do you have a qualifying factor listed below?
Is pregnant or parenting
Does not have a High School Diploma
Is subject to the juvenile or adult justice system
A runaway, in foster care or has aged out of the foster care system
Have a documented disability
If yes, please visit the WSGM’s youth page for more information:
5. Do you have a degree, certification, or training in a high growth area?
A case-by-case determination will be made in the marketability of a prior degree or certificate. If applicant has a current marketable skill, training must be in a field to increase education or employability.
Customers who have received non-WIOA funded training (within 2 years or less) will be reviewed by a case manager to determine if WIOA assistance can be provided.
6. Are you seeking a four-year college or an advanced degree?
Training assistance for individuals seeking four-year College and advanced degrees will only be approved once they can be completed within the time limits set by WorkSource Georgia Mountains (2 years or less) and lead to a recognized credential. General liberal arts degrees will not be approved or funded.
If you believe you qualify, please attend a WIOA Overview Session:
There are different options for attending an overview:
1. Site visits and Online Overview sessions are scheduled monthly. Click here for upcoming sessions.
2. Self-guided sessions are available on our Career Coaches. Click here for upcoming event dates and locations.
3. Self-guided sessions are available at the WorkSource One-Stop Center 1856 Thompson Bridge Road Gainesville, GA 30501 (Office hours are Monday- Friday 8:00 am – 6:00 pm).
If you already attended an Overview Session, but need additional forms.
*Please note that to submit an application, you must have first attended an Overview Session.